List of products by manufacturer Galbanum

Galbanum Limited is a company dedicated to exploring the synergistic marriage of art and technology. Its twin passions are "sonic science" and "aural allusion" and its products strive always to balance industry leading technical excellence with a connection to, and expansion of, the human condition.

"Sonic Science" is representative of Galbanum's commitment to extreme standards of technical excellence in all aspects of its work. Science, mathematics, and experimental signal processing research play a large role in Galbanum's sound-design work, and it is well known for its future-forward ideas. Impeccable science and technology, however, is lost without service to human needs and experiences.

"Aural Allusion" represets the human side of the process. It represents the oral tradition if you will, expanded to include non-verbal sound and music, or more specifically, the process of communicating human emotions through effective story telling. The analytical and the intuitive must always be evenly weighed in this process, but in the end it is the emotional experience of story that matters most. Therefore what we ultimately aim to create is this: technology that elicits emotion, and at the same time, art that inspires discovery.

Galbanum is comprised of three divisions: the Products Division, the Services Division, and as of 2014, the Music Division.

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Showing 31 - 36 of 41 items
Showing 31 - 36 of 41 items